Mini UFO – mótvægisæfingaradmin8 nóvember, 20228 janúar, 2025

Mini UFO – mótvægisæfingar

1.990 kr.

Mótvægisæfing sem kemur í veg fyrir meiðsli og styrkir fingur og framhandleggi. –

Á lager

SKU: 701-113 Flokkar: , ,


Warm up and prevent injuries with the Mini UFO which will allow you to balance the difference in tension between the flexor and extensor muscles of the fingers. The Mini UFO allows you to work in pressure or extension. The result? Improved grip strength, greater precision and a reduced risk of injury.

The mini UFO allows you to work in pressure or in extension.

Results ? Improved grip strength, better precision and reduced risk of injury.

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